I am getting get BLE_EVT_USER_MEM_REQUEST and BLE_GAP_EVT_CONN_PARAM_UPDATE event, when writing to ble device, sample code did not handle these event, and seems no document...
Why do I erase SDK5.2 version of flash and read not, in SDK4.2 can. I tested nrf51_sdk_v5_2_0_39364\nrf51822\Board\nrf6310\flashwrite_example is a good example.However...
before i write the flash, it has been erased.so ,its value is all 0xff.
when i write 0x00 to flash address 0x0001,the value read out is not 0x00 but 0x01,and the value in...
I'm looking for a way to use the nordic uart service ( devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../ble_sdk_app_nus_eval.html) from Linux using the native Linux BLE Stack (BlueZ). My application...
I've created an application using the S110 experimental ANCS demo. I successfully implemented ANCS and then began to structure my application around it. At some point...
In an ongoing company project we use a couple of nRF51 transceivers forming a beacon enabled wireless sensor network consisting of one base station and multiple...
I want to count clocks in order to implement a watch. I use the RTC0 as my time-base and count mainly with this device. As it has just 24 bits it would not last for long,...
Hi there,
i was trying to implement a firmware for a small device using the nRF8001 only in broadcasting mode.
So far, everything works fine. But one thing mentioned...
I'm happy with the status of my app on the evaluation board and I'm ready to start downloading it to my target board. I plugged the Segger J-Link Lite CortexM board into one...
I'm looking into the service creation portion of BLE, and I've made it pretty far. But one problem that I'm running into is sending more than 8 bits of data at a time back...
Now I am doing the BP by using the "ble_app_bps" project. I find it still advertising after connecting to the master,so the power consumption is high.So I wanth to use the...
The nRF8001 provides pipes to the Characteristics on the local GATT Server and the remote GATT server. How is this different from the handles of Attributes.
The setup for the nRF8001 that is generated by the nRFgo studio can be placed in NV-RAM or the RAM of the nRF8001. Is it possible to put a new Setup in the NV-RAM or put in...
We have some profiles that has power saving modes that changes the advertisement parameters while running. We want to change the advertising parameters from the application...
The Master Control Panel uses the PCA10000 board loaded with a ME (Master Emulator?) firmware.
Is it possible to get the source code to this firmware in order to make your...
the nRFgo studio is used as a visual editior for the nRF8001 to create Bluetooth low energy Services and Characteristics and Pipes to access them. After creating the Service...
I'm trying with a nRF24L01 device, connected to an Microchip MCP2210 USB/SPI bridge.
With this Microchip device, i cannot sent a CE pulse shortest than 130uS to transmit...