Google open-sources the firmware needed to build hardware security keys
Google open-sourced today OpenSK, a Rust-based project to aid hardware vendors build hardware security...
I would like to store a simple integer value in the flash write and read after some event. I'm using the mesh example Dimming examples (experimental) in the nRF5 SDK for Mesh...
Has there been any success with getting the python bindings for the pc-ble-driver running on openwrt? I've succeeded with the driver itself but not the bindings....
Hi Nordic Team,
In my BLE project I'm creating a Test application which gets all the advertising data from peripheral devices. The complete list of scanned device is received...
Hello all,
According to the documentation and this feedback on a case there is a maximum size for a particular cert before nrf_inbuilt_key_write returns NRF_ENOBUFS . Can...
I am using nrf52840 DK, Segger Studio IDE, Win10.
My application is I want to transfer the image from iOS to the DK board.
I am aware of the Image Transfer...
When I using the UART port, if I float the port after init the UART it will restart the code, is it need a external pull-up resistor? How about the value?
A quick one, where do I find a list of the err_codes? I have had a look in the documentation and I was expecting to find a table of them, but I couldn't locate one.
I am trying to send a notification to a peer device when a certain event occurs. To do so, I'm using the same procedure as with every other characteristic with enabled...
I used the example of the ble_central\ble_app_uart_c and ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart.
It seems no problem for operation when I check only this example.
But I modified this...
Hello Everyone ,
I ahve deveoped the custom board using NRF51SOC and i have flashed the custom board by usign P20 Connector referred below figure now i would like to debug...
If I let the SoftDevice write to my variables directly by having the characteristics point to my app's variables through BLE_GATTS_VLOC_USER - when are these variables actually...
HI,i have some problems about RSSI (51882)
BELOW IS MY CODE. who can tell me why I can not get RSSI from variable t
int main(void)
uint8_t *p;
uint8_t t = 0;
In S130, both central and peripheral modes are enabled. How do you enable just the peripheral mode and not the central mode for S130 so that less RAM space is used...
I am just working through the tutorial on radio notifications and imported "ble_radio_notifications.c" to my application folder and included the header in included directories...
I use NRF51822 Bluetooth 4.0 e-val kit.
souce code is peripheral example.
so, android smart phone and NRF51822 is connection.
result, Pairing success. occur On_ble_evt...
Is it possible to detect a bluetooth (BLE) enabled phone when it enters the room?
I like to use the nrf51822 (BLE-Peripheral or BLE-Central) to detect any phone when it...
Is it possible to have S110 but not more than ~30-40K size? I need to establish communication in order to upgrade firmware over BLE (UART Emulation), but without using such...
I am trying to write a characteristic to an iOS device acting as a peripheral from a nRF51822 board.
The board has 2 leds (green and red) and a button...
What is the file pstorage_platform.h? Is it an SDK file? Where does it come from? Is it auto-generated somewhere or should it be just copied from an example?
Hi all,
About the NRF_UARTE0 of nRF52, I want to check the number of received data(example:I set RXD.MAXCNT=16, but I just receive 10 bytes now.Then I want to handler these...