Nordic \ nRF5_SDK_12 nrf52832 using 2.0 _f012efa \ examples \ peripheral \ pwm_driver, pwm_driver example
Want to set up two road PWM phase is different, for example, the...
I'm using nRF52832 and S132 based on nRF5 SDK v14. I get a error code 4 when I add DFU service refer to the experimental_ble_app_buttonless_dfu . The SDK has changed so much...
I'm wondering if I can get current transmitting channel during a connection. So
Is there a way I can directly read current transmitting channel?
If not, is...
This question has to do with the observed "recursivity" of the calls to "app_sched_execute" in SDK13 as described in the previously asked question below:
How do i do ble_app beacon advertisement to one device(Android phone) whose bluetooth address is known ?? I want that beacons should only be seen in nrf_connect app of...
why use 50ms and 400ms connection interval for testing the maximum data throughput(2M,247byte payload)?
Because 50ms can only send a pdu , and 400ms can send up to 8 pdu...
I am using Keil IDE to develop nRF51822 project.
in main(), the command line
has Error : L6218E...
We are treadmill developers and we want to include bluetooth capability to our products.
We found, on the bluetooth website the RSC characteristic ( Running Speed and...
When switching to nRF52_SDK_11, the compiler does not find core_cm4.h which is found in components/toolchain/CMSIS/Include.
I get this when compiling
I am trying to program a custom board connected via the DK. The custom board is 16KB version (nRF51822 QFAA). RTT consumes lot of memory and hence my code does not compile...
I am using nRF51422xAC SOC.
It is advertising perfectly and able to catch that with sniffer module. But unable to find the same device on any mobile phone. I've tried with...
Can i use the nRF Toolbox app as a BLE peripheral and the nRF51-dk[PCA10028] as a central device.
Also,if not,then please suggest any other App that can be used for the same...
I've downloaded nRF5_SDK_v11.x.x and install it, my keil version is v5.14. I flashed s130 v2.0.0 into nrf51DK, then build "ble_app_beacon" basing on SDK v11.0.0 and...
I use the S110-6.0.0 to find the iphone ANCS service,return attr missing. The 16bits UUID is xF431.I have added the long UUID ble_uuid128_t ans_base_uuid = {0xD0, 0x00, 0x2D...
I used keil software environment for development.
Apply Ble UART example code from nordic keil example.
Example code down load to nRF51 Development Kit and run, program...
Hi, i need to calculate the frequency of two PWM.
When it comes to frequency calculation, the counter function is the best solution, i think.
i'm using SDK 6.0.0 for...
I want to develop an app that wakes app from sleep mode after pressing 2 buttons, then if these buttons are still pressed for 5 secondes i want to do an action ..
Any idea...
I am having an issue with running the initial blinky example that came with the nRF51 PCA10028 SDK in the Eclipse IDE . I will include screenshots of the issue. I believe...
Is there a call to read the stack ID.
For example S120 v2.1 has an ID of 0x006B . nRFgo studio is able to read and report this value.
Is there a way to read for me to...
I'm using SDK 11.0 and example\ble_central\ble_app_hrs_c
I have cut SB1 SB2 to disconnect the 32Khz crystal from the pca10028 and configured the example program to use...
Hi, When I write data synchronously to memory (nRF51822), I do :
APP_ERROR_CHECK(pstorage_block_identifier_get(flash_handler, 2, &block_handler));