I have two custom PCBs, each of which has a microcontroller and an nrf24L01+. Everything related to the transceiver in the designs are complete duplicates (with the exception...
I've built a small BLE-device based on the nrf8001.
With my Iphone I can discover this device and I am able to connect to it and listen to notifications of the...
Our pcb is used for gps location data. We have a nrf24L01 nordic chip as the micro process or between the gps module and wireless module (2G). Our engineer needs to capture...
Hey folks,
I'm trying to modify the SPI Master loop back example into a 4 line SPI Master_Slave program. Whenever I change the Tx_Buffer_lenght from 10 to lsome other numbers...
I am using S130 softdevice version.
Basically, I am using NUS Service and make a my own NUS central service as NUS_C.
It is correctly work at normal state.
Hi All,
Please Reviwe for a attached circuit file(Chip ANT of nRF51822.pdf).
I also attach a datasheet of chip antenna applied for that circuit(SDBTPTR3015 Data Sheet...
to me it made sense that EN_AA settings are controlling the receiving pipes if an ACK has to be sent back upon receiving a valid packet.
then i thought that the settings...
I'm using JLinkExe ( J link commander ) for Linux to flash the application firmware on NRF51822_QF_AA target. The following have worked so far, but I'd like to confirm and...
I am upgrading to SDK 11.0.0 and S130 v2.0.0 from SDK 9.0.0 and S130 1.0.0 and I am stuck with an error when I call sd_ble_gap_adv_start. Here's the code that now fails...
I have the following two lines with pin 21 not connected to anything:
nrf_gpio_cfg_input(21, NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLUP);
uint32_t value = nrf_gpio_pin_read(21);
I would...
I'm trying to flash my SeeedStudio Tiny BLE board (nRF51822 QFAA) with SoftDevice S110 using Keil but it doesn't look like it's going to let me. I'm just getting...
i am having some trouble getting my nRF52 DK (S132) to read a value provided by the nRF51 dongle(S130).
First of all, i am very new to this whole Bluetooth thing so...
I'm trying to read 16 bit ADC Value on nRF Master app instead of only 8 bit, and I know that there is the example code on github which is only send me the 8 bit...
We have a new daughter board connected via I2C to an Atmel controller. What we need to do is load the right softstack onto the NRF and then send the needed commands to tell...
Hi Guys,
We have schematic of future NRF 51822 project, who can help us with PCB design? Or who can suggest me where i can do it?
Hello All,
I am trying to build a BLE peripheral project with RTX OS which is using S110 Soft Device and bootloader is also there in Flash memory region. So when I am trying...
I am just beginning to develop with BLE.I came across the nRFgo Studio through Nordic and BDS through the bluetooth SIG.
1]What are similarities/differences between the...
I want to active HW timer with SoftDevice 7.1.0 .
Timer operation is good but I can not stop the timer.
The power consumption is 200~300uA after timer expired ( or...
We would like to use NRF52832 chipset for our project, and we need to configure 11 pins as GPIO interupt , Is this possible ? How many pins we can have as interrupt...