What would you do if you got an Arduino Primo?


We received 20pcs of a developer edition of the Arduino Primo from Arduino SRL, and we would like to share those with the best and most committed developers on Devzone, before they go on sale! Have you heard about the Arduino Primo board? It is a new maker platform from Arduino SRL targeting the IoT and it is based around the nRF52832! The nRF52832 is the main MCU and provides Bluetooth and NFC connectivity. The Arduino Primo also includes WiFi connectivity.

image description

If you want an Arduino Primo board and are ready to contribute and develop code for the Arduino Primo or have an excellent idea for a demo using the Arduino Primo. Please send me a personal message here on Nordic Devzone, with what you would do if you get an Arduino Primo? The best people with the greatest ideas will get one :-). Aug 31st is the last day to apply for one!

Furthermore, the Arduino Foundation is currently running a contest where you can win a developer edition of the Arduino Primo. They also want to put the boards in the hands of the most skilled and committed developers…so I guess a lot of the folks in this forum should have a good chance to get their hands on a board from Arduino as well. A link to the Arduino contest, see here:


For more details about the Arduino Primo, check out the Arduino Primo site or the press release on our website.

Good luck!

  • Kenneth, That is really cool!

    What functionallty do you need on the NFC device to work on this Web NFC? Currently the nRF52 supports Tag typ 2.


    Pär H

  • I would like getting hold on the device because it supports both Bluetooth and NFC.

    the nRF52 chip is supported by Zephyr which has a port of JerryScript. I have already gotten the Arduino 101+Zephyr+JerryScript combination running in a configuration where the device used Physical Web to announce its web app which then could connect to it and communicate.

    As I work on the Web NFC spec https://w3c.github.io/web-nfc/ the device is really interesting for playing around with NFC on both device and client (web site) side. I am also planning to look at Bluetooth handover from NFC for Web Bluetooth/Web NFC at some point - any help, ideas for the spec with regard to that is welcome! :-)


  • Hi

    The idea is to implement a semi soft UART for the second interface, to provide an extra UART. Also, it is possible that the I2C connection between the nRF52 and the STM will take over some of the tasks intended for the UART connection, to allow the second UART to be available to the application instead.

    Both the STM and the nRF52 can be programmed through the SWD headers, that is correct. One of the headers can also be used as an output, allowing the Primo to program external boards without a built in programmer.

    The WiFi chip supports IPv4 only. For IoT the idea is to use something like the Arduino Tian: http://www.arduino.org/products/boards/arduino-tian

  • Looks interesting - looking at the links I had a couple of questions

    Is the Primo Chart correct download.arduino.org/.../primo_chart_20160714.pdf because that shows the nRF52 communicating with both the STM32 and the WiFi chip over UART, but the nRF52 only has one UART so that didn't seem quite right.

    It says "Programming via OTA or via Serial", I'm assuming you can also program it via a normal ARM SWD header and a segger, the picture makes it look like there are two of them, one for the nRF52 and one for the STM32?

    Does the WiFi support IPv6 or is it just IPv4, last time I looked at that ESP8266 chip the standard firmware was IPv4 only but expressiv were supposed to come out with an IPv6 version.

    I thought it would be fun to use something like that to develop an easy config WiFi/6lowpan BTLE border gateway, like you can with a Raspberry Pi, but self-contained. However I don't think the IoT Softdevice supports more than the client side of the 6lowpan so it's probably not possible.