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mesh examples not working

Hello i am using segger studio i have recently purchased three nrf52dk speically for ble mesh.. i am trying to run examples of mesh alpha sdk that nordiac prvodies but it has some errors ...

<t:          0>, main.c,  139, ----- Bluetooth Mesh Beacon Example -----
<t:          0>, nrf_mesh_sdk.c,  181, Initializing softdevice
<t:          0>, nrf_mesh_sdk.c,  122, Initializing SoftDevice...
<t:          1>, nrf_mesh_sdk.c,  131, Ram base: 0x200031B0
<t:         18>, nrf_mesh_sdk.c,  191, Initializing mesh stack
<t:        498>, nrf_mesh_sdk.c,   78, MESH ASSERT at 0x00028C1A