[nRF Connect SDK] Disconnected by reason code 0x3d


Target nRF52832(nrf52dk_nrf52832)
SDK NCS v2.0.0
My project base: \nrf\samples\bluetooth\peripheral_hids_keyboard


My customer is experiecing disconnection reason code 0x3d between Nokia 5.3 and Nordic.

2022-10-18 14:05:54.032 2587-3307 bt_stack pid-2587 V [VERBOSE1:gatt_attr.cc(245)] gatt_connect_cback: from 00:16:7f:3f:ae:fc connected: 0, conn_id: 0x0001reason: 0x003d

For now, we don't have BLE log and have Android logcat log only.
From log, they made disconnection three time for 3 hours. But I can't reproduce at all. (I don't have Nokia5.3 as well)

1. Can you guess who made this disconnection with this log?

2. Can we have any solution?
