i am using the Nrf52dk with Visualgdb.
i try to run the example project (tcp/IP -> client).
i am using the Nrf5 IoT sdk v0.9
Project complied successfully but i...
I'm using an nRF52 (SDK11.0.0, s132) and am able to generate a hex and axf via Keil/uVision. It uploads and works just fine using a Segger J-Link. I want to try some lower...
Hi, I'm a newbie to Nordic and need to use multiple nRF24LE1s to get ADC values and transmit them to a single nRF24L01 connected to an Arduino. I need sample Keil compiler...
i hava a sender and it send a frame every 15ms ,not use any protocol,and reciver code like as follow:
while (1) {
##Measuring humidity using TWI on nrf52##
In this post I will explain how the nRF5x chip can be used to communicate with a sensor over TWI (I2C). To run this example extract the files to examples -…
Since Nordic Semiconductor released the S130 SoftDevice for our nRF51 ICs in early 2015, we have been working hard to make our Bluetooth low energy protocol stacks more feature rich and more configurable…
In this blogpost we will demonstrate the usage of Keils integrated command line functionality. We will start nrfjprog through Keil bindings in order to erase our chip and program SoftDevices.
The purpose of this blog is to showcase how a single USB bus can be used as the physical transport for multiple protocols when an external CPU is the controller.
Specifications as tested
Table of Contents
What are device tree overlays, and how do they relate to shields?
Why are Arduino nodes not recognized in the nRF9160 DK?
The workaround: Using the shield as a board ove…
Table of Contents
Incorporating this into other projects
Further reading
Attached files
This blog post demonstrates how to get a LVGL sample…
There is a need to be able to put a Nordic Semiconductors S0C /transceivers into modes where the physical layer and RF characteristics may be ascertained. The radio test example is used to…
This is part 2 of the series Building a Bluetooth application on nRF Connect SDK - Contrasting to SoftDevice based Bluetooth applications
You can find the other parts here:
Part 1 - Peripheral Role.