I use two nRF51822 boards running the ble_mesh_gateway sample project. I have modify the project slightly so to work on my board(juts modify the GPIO configuration , LED and...
I use nrf51822 HID keyboard.
How to add a game-pad report as a second report in the ble_hid_keyboard ?
How to init the function hids_init() in SDK.
VPN Solutions are a guaranteed private network association constructed on top of infrastructure that is publicly available. vpn connection free Providers provide an alternative...
I am writing an iOS code using Swift3 to connect an iOS10 device to nRF52 pca10040 and blink an LED. The nRFConnect on iOS can easily connect using the device name...
void in_pin_handler (nrf_drv_gpiote_pin_t pin, nrf_gpiote_polarity_t action)
This function work with interupt event (push...
Segger has recently released a number of tools, some of them free, which work with Segger's JLink debuggers, One of those is SystemView, a real-time analysis and visualisation tool. It's cross platform…
nRF51824 - World's most capable automotive qualified Bluetooth SoC
The nRF51824 is now available qualified to AEC-Q100 for automotive applications that demand AEC-Q100 qualified devices.
The nRF51824…
Construction of a cordova based cross platform mobile app that displays heart rate measurement data sent by a Nordic nRF51822 device via BLE. This data is periodically posting this to thingspeak…
The new Bluetooth 5.4 features Periodic Advertising with Responses (PAwR) and Encrypted Advertising Data (EAD) can be used for one-to-many applications. One of these is the Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL…
When designing a PCB with a high-frequency radio onboard certain rules should be followed for optimal radio frequency (RF) performance. This guide will provide some general PCB guidelines that can be used…
Periodic Advertising with Responses (PAWR) is a new feature in Bluetooth 5.4. It extends the periodic advertising protocol from Bluetooth 5.0. Periodic advertising, where a device sends broadcast data with…
When designing a PCB with a high-frequency radio onboard certain rules should be followed for optimal radio frequency (RF) performance. This guide will provide some general PCB guidelines that can be used…
Please note that some information on this page may be outdated due to ongoing improvements in nRF Cloud. For the most current details on provisioning services, refer to the nRF Cloud Security Services…
The intention of this guide is to clarify and describe the main aspects relevant to the GNSS receiver functionality on the nRF9160 as well as build configurations, tool recommendations and…