running Windows 10 Pro 22H2 and using j-link v9
i tried to read firmware from nrf51822-QFAB by using " nrfjprog --readcode dump_nRF51822.hex", but it gave me an error...
We have an NCS v2.2.0 nRF5340 application with MCUboot that requires GPIO control of a few pins extremely early in the startup process. We have a signal "A" pulled...
Sorry if this is too off topic, I actually don't have any problem with my nrf52840 dongle, but the App I'm communicating with. But maybe someone of you has run into the same...
Boosting Bluetooth low energy throughput by up to 400% and improving privacy
We are happy to announce that the latest version (v3.0.0) of our multi-role concurrent SoftDevice is now ready as production…
Bridging Bluetooth LE to different wireless connections, such as cellular, is challenging and there are few out of the box solutions. This is an important piece of the IoT puzzle, creating stationary…
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