Iam working on direction finding using AOA technology. I have nrf52833 board integrated with Core-hw 4*4 antenna array which acts as locator. The slot duration I have set is 2 us .That is 2 us switching and 2 us sampling period. Iam trying to do phase compensation with the average phase difference in reference period. From this attached context (https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/75446/aoa-iq-samples-sampling-time-and-their-correction) My understanding is that the phase angles in the reference period (i.e for first 8 samples) can be different, but its phase difference should be regular or equal. In my case the phase difference calculated in reference period is in the range of -102 to 107. Can you suggest what is the issue for getting the reference phase differences in this range or unequal values.
How can it be corrected?