Receiving sensors data in "0"

Hi everyone,

Recently I updated the firmware and modem of my Thingy91 using the thingy91_asset_tracker_v2_nbiot_legacy_pco_2023-03-02_8f26142b.hex, it connect correctly with the nRF Cloud but I'm getting the data of the sensors as 0.

May anyone help me with this?

  • Hi Alejandro,

    Could you try with thingy91_fw_2023-03-02_8f26142b\img_fota_dfu_hex\thingy91_asset_tracker_v2_2023-03-02_8f26142b.hex?

    The one you used is for networks with legacy PCO handling and the one I suggest is for the rest. You should use the second one unless you clearly know your local network only support legacy PCO.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Alejandro,

    Could you try with thingy91_fw_2023-03-02_8f26142b\img_fota_dfu_hex\thingy91_asset_tracker_v2_2023-03-02_8f26142b.hex?

    The one you used is for networks with legacy PCO handling and the one I suggest is for the rest. You should use the second one unless you clearly know your local network only support legacy PCO.

    Best regards,

