AHT20 and AHT21 support

Hi, I'm quite new with the nrf ecosystem. I'm trying to setup a nrf52833 development board to use an AHT20 as a humidity and temperature sensor. I tried coding my one i2c interface to try to get the values but it's not working. I tried looking online for information about the aht20 and the nordic boards but go nothing. I also tried porting the adafruit library for the AHT to the nrf52 without luck again. I saw that there was the sensor objects that let's you get the value of some predetermined sensor like the dht22 but didn't see information about the aht20 nor information on how to create a sensor.

  • Hi,

    I apologise for not asking this earlier, but are you using NCS or the nRF5 SDK?

    I am unable to find any existing drivers in Zephyr/NCS for these two devices, but I think porting the Adafruit library sounds like a good starting point. Have you been able to make any progress?

    If not, could you explain where you're stuck exactly?

    Sorry again for the delay.

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    I apologise for not asking this earlier, but are you using NCS or the nRF5 SDK?

    I am unable to find any existing drivers in Zephyr/NCS for these two devices, but I think porting the Adafruit library sounds like a good starting point. Have you been able to make any progress?

    If not, could you explain where you're stuck exactly?

    Sorry again for the delay.

    Best regards,

