Using PSA function to persist key in kmu AND later restore it for AES encryption

NCS v2.3.0

NRF5340DK nrf5340 cpuapp

I'm trying to understand how I would configure and use the PSA functions to store a key in the KMU and then perform an encryption operation using the key directly from the kmu without loading into memory.

I saw this sample which shows generating a random key and persisting it some place. Its unclear to me if this is actually stored in the kmu or if its stored in a secure partition. This example also does not demonstrate how to use a key that was previously created and persisted.

If I have multiple persistent keys that were previously created, how do I get the key_handle to them?

I noticed in crypto_extra.h there is an api to specify a slot number: psa_set_key_slot_number

and also an API for registering an already loaded key: mbedtls_psa_register_se_key

However I cannot figure out how to get these APIs enabled in my build.. it requires MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_SE_C which does not seem to have an existing KCONFIG flag.

Is the PSA a supported way to perform crypto operations with persistent keys? Do I need to use nrf3x and mbedtls functions directly as in this sample ?

It would be great if the persistent key usage sample actually showed retrieving key and using it.

  • I found there is a key_id attribute which can be set as an attribute.  Setting the key_id attribute automatically makes the associated key persistent.

    Perhaps after creating (e.g. generating it) a key with an assigned key_id  from that point forward its possible to perform operations using that key_id without creating/importing/copying ? 

    Still if that is the case, I would need a way to determine whether the key has been created previously.  

    Also I still need to know understand where the key is actually stored and how it is moved to the cryptocell...

  • I found there is a key_id attribute which can be set as an attribute.  Setting the key_id attribute automatically makes the associated key persistent.

    Perhaps after creating (e.g. generating it) a key with an assigned key_id  from that point forward its possible to perform operations using that key_id without creating/importing/copying ? 

    Still if that is the case, I would need a way to determine whether the key has been created previously.  

    Also I still need to know understand where the key is actually stored and how it is moved to the cryptocell...

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