How to set the Tx power to +8db on nRF52840

Hello, I have an nRF52840 SoC on which I want to set the transmission power to +8db. I have already tried the following in the configuration, but unfortunately the transmission power does not improve.


How do I configure this correctly?

NCS 2.3.0
nRF52840 - WE_Proteus-3

Regards, Jonas 

  • Hi Jonas,

    Thank you for contacting DevZone at NordicSemi.

    As you wanted to set Plu_8 db power level for the tx power, I started with peripheral_ht sample in ncs2.3.0 for nrf52840.

    I could see in the .config that the default power level is used and I could read the tx power level from the radio register

    Next, I applied the following configurations, and rebuilt the project and flashed it


    I could see the correct option being selected in the .config file and I could also read the correct value (as per the product specification) from the radio register

    Please make sure that you are meeting all the dependencies of the configurations you are using.

    Also, please check in the .config (in /build/zephyr/) that correct config options are selected.

    You could also replicate how I did and compare with your project.


  • Hallo Naeem, 

    Thank you for your quick and detailed answer. I checked the .config file in the build folder and found correct values. as I entered.
    The change doesn't have a big impact on the transmit power, so I'm now assuming that there is an error in the board layout.

    Best Regards, Jonas 
