Saving coredumps to external flash


Chip: nRF52840

OS: nRF Connect / Zephyr: v2.3.0

Problem: Saving coredumps to external flash

We're trying to add a bunch of debugging features to our firmware before field trials.

We've been trying to saving coredumps to external flash, so on the next reboot we can upload them to the cloud.

It seems that Zephyr does support this using "CONFIG_DEBUG_COREDUMP_BACKEND_FLASH_PARTITION". However this doesn't seem to be supported by nordic chips for a few reasons.

I've seen another question around this subject posted about a year ago. The recommendation was to use memfault, but this seems a bit weird to have to use a commercial cloud solution to simply save coredumps to flash.

What we've tried

Un-supported fields

nordic,qspi-nor.yaml does not include "soc-nv-flash.yaml" which means properties "erase-block-size" & "write-block-size" don't exist. These are required by the flash backend impl.

Using QSPI in fatal handler

After adding the above fields & configuring our pm_static.yml file everything compiles. However when triggering a crash, coredumps are no longer created. It seems like the fatal handler is crashing (no cli outputs).

If i comment out all the flash operators in "coredump_backend_flash_partition.c" such as "flash_area_erase" & "flash_area_write" the fatal handler does run (cli outputs); obviously the coredump is not saved.

I suppose my question is can you use QSPI while in the fatal handler? I'm not sure if the QSPI driver needs re-initing, interrupts need re-enabling etc. 


Are there any examples where coredumps are being saved to external flash using nrf-sdk?


  • Hello,

    I don't think it's a good idea to rely on Zephyr drivers such as QSPI NOR when you are in the fault handler, because you don't know what state the system will be in. Could it be an alternative to load the coredump to a "no init" section and have it written to flash on subsequent reboot? 

    I've used this approach when debugging WDT timeouts in the past (the WDT does not give you enough time to write anything to flash before resetting):



  • I've got this working, personally i think is area is lacking in nRF. With everyone shipping thousands of IoT devices with no remote debugging capability seems silly. Surely we shouldn't all keep re-inventing the wheel. I'll see if i get time to write a module which can implement everything. 

    It would still be good to be able to write directly to flash/QSPI. As this way we could take a full memory dump.

    Anyways, few pointers for anyone else interested:

    If your using nrf52 there's a really good example of how to use retained memory here:

    To get the ESF you can override Zephyr's fatal function and simply store the values in retained memory (as the above example shows). 

    To save the core dump you'll have to create a file called "coredump_backend_empty.c" using this as a template

    You can then simply "memcpy" the coredump in function:

    I use the following settings to keep the coredump small enough for RAM retention

    Hope that helps someone.

  • Memfault is not intended to replace the debug support in the SDK. Instead, it serves as an additional option for those who want remote device management without setting up and managing their own cloud solution. I've updated my internal feature request to highlight the need for a way to save core dumps to flash.

    Documentation for the Core dump module can be found here: There is currently no flash backend to save the output to a flash partition.

  • Do you guys plan on implementing it or for now we have to implement our own code to do that 

  • Sorry, there is a flash backend; it's just that our documentation has not been updated to include it yet. It is currently covered in the upstream Zephyr documentation at 

    I tried testing the coredump module with the Bluetooth: Peripheral LBS sample in nRF Connect SDK v2.4.2 and was able to get it to work after I created this workaround in the flash driver:

    Summary of changes made to the peripheral LBS sample to enable and test the Coredump module

    Added the following lines to the prj.conf file:

    And the following code in main.c to raise a fault when the button is pressed (Button 1 on DK)

    And lastly, the Devictree overlay to allocate the coredump partition in flash (this is for the nRF52840):


    1. After the fault has been triggered, connect a serial terminal to the board to access the stored coredump via the shell

    2. Copy the coredump data to a text file. E.g., coredump.log. Then perform step 1 to 4 here 



  • Hi,

    I did explore this but i had issue with writing to external flash. 

    I think the zephyr method only supports writing to internal uC flash.



  • Hi Sam,

    Unfortunately, saving the coredump to external flash is still not supported. The test I did was for internal flash. For external flash, I believe it might be necessary to create a separate backend. 



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