Hi. I am trying to configure Coded PHY on my custom boards using nRF52840 (module ACN52840), I am using nRF Connect SDK v2.4.0. For communication, I am using NUS UART service, modified to not use physical UART, only communication with calling NUS functions. I have also tried to set Coded PHY communication for my central and peripheral codes using reference from samples Peripheral HR Coded and Central HR Coded. I did all settings in prj.conf and in code from Coded HR examples in my codes, also did get bt_conn_le_phy_info information (tx_phy 4, rx_phy 4, couldnt find what 4 mean, maybe Coded?) from both peripheral and central:
Connected: xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx (random), tx_phy 4, rx_phy 4
But I think I still didnt set Coded PHY. I was trying this codes with my boards (one central and one peripheral) outside, with direct visibility between both boards and I lost signal after approximately 70 meters. In inside it is even worse, I lost signal after approximately 8 meters, between boards was only one block wall with a thickness of 30 cm. I want to use chip nRF52840 for small network, with some inside and also outside sensors nodes using nRF52840, but range is very small.
I was also trying to set transmit power in prj.conf to use maximum +8dB, but it didnt help. Is it really everything in Peripheral HR Coded and Central HR Coded what I need to set? I have found some other structures struct bt_conn_le_tx_power and struct bt_conn_le_phy_param which might also set Coded PHY, but are not used in HR Coded examples, so I dont know. I hoped for better range coverage, outside range could be sufficient for me, but inside is not. I will provide my codes and also photo of my board with nRF52840. Thanks for any help setting Coded PHY.