nrf sniffer not able to capture packages after connection


I am using a NRF52840Dongle sniffering ble communication. But no packages can be captured after connection (sometimes the connection package cannot be captured either). 

I have followed all the steps in the user guide: nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE v4.1.x, and tried both sniffer_nrf52840dongle_nrf52840_4.1.0.hex and sniffer_nrf52840dongle_nrf52840_4.1.1.hex. Neither works. I have also a nrf52840DK, which experiences the same issue.

Here are some information on my test setup:

OS: I tried both Windows and Linux

JLink: v.7.80

python 3.11.1

Wireshark: 4.0.6

nrf connect programmer 3.0.9


1. sniffer all advertisement

2. Select the device I want to sniffer (the advertising device)

3. Connect to the device that is advertising (not encrypted between the devices)

One difference I noticed in my Wireshark view is that there is not a column of destination. What can be wrong? Thank you!

  • Hi Jenny

    Are you making sure to keep the two devices under test close to the dongle, to make sure the link is robust?

    What kind of devices are you trying to connect? 

    Are they based on Nordic chips or something else? 

    What about the hardware, is it custom or standard (like a DK)?

    Could you try to flash your nRF52840DK with a standard Bluetooth example, connect to it from a phone, and see if you can sniff this?

    Best regards

  • Hi Torbjorn,

    Thank you for your quick response.
    The devices I am sniffing is between a phone (either iPhone or Andriod phone), and bl653 which is based on Nordic chip. The hardware is a custom hardware with a MCU connecting to bl653 via uart. The devices are places within 20cm at my desk.
    It is a good idea to use a standard hardware as a start point. I can try to sniffer ble communication between a phone and nRF52840dk using a nrf52840 dongle. Could you please suggest an instruction that I can follow to use nRF52840DK as a standard Bluetooth device and if possible how to initialize a connection with nRF52840DK?
    Thank you!
  • Hi Torbjorn,

    Thank you for your quick response.
    The devices I am sniffing is between a phone (either iPhone or Andriod phone), and bl653 which is based on Nordic chip. The hardware is a custom hardware with a MCU connecting to bl653 via uart. The devices are places within 20cm at my desk.
    It is a good idea to use a standard hardware as a start point. I can try to sniffer ble communication between a phone and nRF52840dk using a nrf52840 dongle. Could you please suggest an instruction that I can follow to use nRF52840DK as a standard Bluetooth device and if possible how to initialize a connection with nRF52840DK?
    Thank you!
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