what is the nRF52840 in band image frequency for SIG RX C/I test and why?

Hi Sir,

What's the nRF52840 in band image frequency for SIG RX C/I test? Learned from previous Q&A, looks like nRF52 series image frequency is fc -2MHz for 1Mbps and fc-4MHz for 2Mbps, suppose nRF52840 also follow this rule?

if so, why does this rule base on?

I leaned that the image frequency = 2fLO - fRX, it is related to the LO frequency, how to know the LO frequency at different fRX channels, such as my product is integrated one external 32MHz crystal and one 32.768KHz crystal. Is it the 75 times frequency of the 32 MHz (=2400MHz)? then how about other channels?

I am really confused many days for this question, looking forward for your reply, thanks so much!



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