During the testing process, the upgrade speed of the serial port of 3Kb/s is too slow. Even worse than BLE OTA.
How to improve the upgrade speed of serial port or USB?
My environment is 52833DK, NCS 2.3.0, mcumgr,win11.
During the testing process, the upgrade speed of the serial port of 3Kb/s is too slow. Even worse than BLE OTA.
How to improve the upgrade speed of serial port or USB?
My environment is 52833DK, NCS 2.3.0, mcumgr,win11.
NCS doesn't seem to support nrfutil. I used nrfutil on nrf5SDK before.
nrfutil has support for programming over MCUboot
See e.g. these links:
One tool to rule them all: nRF Util becomes a unified command line utility
If you cannot use nrfutil, then have a look at this post: RE: MCUBOOT slow with nRF52840 / Zephyr / USB CDC_ACM protocol
Thanks, I will try it.