Dynamic UART0 PIN change for communicating with multiple (3) UART devices connected at different PINs


  I want to change the UART0  RX/TX pins at run time because I am having 3 UART devices connected to the nrf5340 at different RX/TX pins.

I am already using I2C, SPI etc so I am having only UART0 available and I will not be communicating with all the three devices at same time, instead based on use case I will be selecting one of these three devices. So using single UART0 should work for me and I should be able to change the PINs of the UART0 RX/TX at RUN time, any time while the code is running. 

And it is not for one time, I should be able to switch it between any of these three UART devices multiple times and not only at the time of BOOTUP.

How can I achieve this with this zephyr ?

Is there any way to change the PINs of same UART at runtime ?

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