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Is the MAC adress unique ?


Does nRF51822 has a MAC adress when we buy it ?

If yes, is it possible to have two nrF51 with the same MAC adress ?

If yes, can we buy a MAC adress range and flash the MAC adress during production ? What is the process to buy a MAC adress range ?

Thank you for your help ? Thierry

  • The device address on the nRF51822 us randomly generated during production, that is two bits are not random as they are used to say which address type it is. The chance of two addresses being identical is very small, but existing.

    It is possible to use a public address range as well. This should be a valid Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) obtained from the IEEE Registration Authority (check with them for prising). You can give the device a new address and flash this during your production.
