Modifiying debug target speed

Hello there

Is there a way to modify the Jlink target speed for debugging in the nRF Connect SDK? I am using toolchain version v2.4.0, along with jlink from Segger.

The debug session initiates, but it's erratic. Breakpoints are not triggered, and attempts to step through the code result in a reset. I'm confident that the problem lies with the interface speed since I also experienced failures during programming until I adjusted the settings in

C:\Program Files\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf-command-line-tools\share\config.toml to set the speed to 1000.

From the jlink server, it's clear that it's not operating at the appropriate speed, but I'm unsure of where to configure this parameter.

I attempted to modify the board.cmake, but it appears the task isn't using the runner parameters. Thus, I'm at a loss. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. 
Where in the toolchain is the command line that triggers the debug session?

