NRF52840DK USB HID example not sending data over USB

I am working on a project that involves creating a USB HID device.  I am trying to get the default sample included with the SDK to work, but it does not affect the mouse cursor or keyboard at all.  I have not edited the sample, and am trying to use the code as is just as a test.  My computer does recognize it as a HID device in device manager though.  I have verified that my board works as best I can, by using both the blink and button samples to verify functionality, both of which work fine.

One other thing of importance that I thought I should add, I have both the JLink USB and the NRF USB plugged into my computer.

  • Hello,

    Thank you for sharing the details.

    One other thing of importance that I thought I should add, I have both the JLink USB and the NRF USB plugged into my computer.

    Sorry, I missed asking this in my first response. Why are you connecting both ports? Please try connecting the JLink USB port, and if it fails, please share the logs from the terminal.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hello,

    Thank you for sharing the details.

    One other thing of importance that I thought I should add, I have both the JLink USB and the NRF USB plugged into my computer.

    Sorry, I missed asking this in my first response. Why are you connecting both ports? Please try connecting the JLink USB port, and if it fails, please share the logs from the terminal.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hi Abhijith,

    I am confused at your request to connect the JLink USB port.  Are you saying to not connect the NRF USB port?  From my understanding the JLink port is just for power and programming and the actual HID communications will be from the NRF USB port.  If that is wrong please correct me.

    Also, I have gotten the mouse example working, the cursor is moving, but I am still not able to get keyboard presses to work with any of the samples I have tried.
