Hello everyone,
I am actually a firmware developer and am new to app development, but I want to make minor changes to the nRF-Toolbox via Android Studio.
I downloaded the sourcecode of nRF-Toolbox (https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/Android-nRF-Toolbox ), and extracted them into a folder. I also downloaded and extracted BLE Library and BLE Common Library into the same folder.
After opening the project, I got the error: "Failed to apply plugin 'no.nordicsemi.android.gradle.application'.
> Process 'command 'git'' finished with non-zero exit value 128"
My folder structure looks as follows:
(picture edited)
Can anyone help me here please?
in settings.gradle.kts I un-commented the lines 77 to 83 from
//if (file("../Android-Common-Libraries").exists()) {
// includeBuild("../Android-Common-Libraries")
//if (file('../Android-BLE-Library').exists()) {
// includeBuild('../Android-BLE-Library')
and edited them to
if (file("../Android-BLE-Common-Library").exists()) {
if (file("../Android-BLE-Library").exists()) {
Kind regards,