nrf5340 custom board programming issue

Hi all,

I am developping on a nrf5340 custom board programming through Nrf Connect on VS  Code with a JLink PLUS Compact with SWD

I was able to program the board a few times at the beginning. But after some times I was seeing a consumption increase and the board was not programmable. In ttat state it was still possible to "recover" the board by powering on/off  the board. But now the board seems to switch directly to that problematic state after powering on/off the board so I can't program it at all.

In that state as soon as GND and VTref are connected to the JLink, the jLink led switch the led from yellow to orange meaning "RESET is pulled low (active) on target side." 

Though VTRef is 3V as expected.

Anyway if I try to connect to the board with JLink Commander here's what I have:

ANd on VS COde here's what I see

Do you know why this state is happening? Do you know how I can get out of it? How can I avoid it?

Here's the Hardware setup : 

Thank you,

