Toolchain Manager installs an empty folder: nRF Connect SDK v2.3.0


I've been trying to install nRF Connect SDK v2.3.0 using the Toolchain Manager in the nRF connect for desktop app. However, the toolchain and SDK installations are successful but the folder C:\ncs\v2.3.0 is always empty. I also tried downloading the older versions of the SDK, but the problem remains the same. I have installed the latest version of the Toolchain Manager, but I also tried it's older versions, with no success. I have tried many solutions from other Devzone queries also, but have not been able to rectify this. I've been unable to use the platform for quite a long time due to this problem. Can you please help me with this? 

Best Regards


  • Hi,

    As a first step, when installation is successfully completed but the folder is still empty, you could try restarting the same NCS installation from the Toolchain Manager. If this does not help, you could try removing your existing NCS installations and start by following installation guides for automatic or manual installation.

    Best regards,

  • Hi, 

    I have tried re-installation several times, but nothing helps. Could you please guide me through the following:

    • My system uses Windows 11 (64-bit OS). Can this be the reason behind this behaviour? Because the documentation very clearly states that nRF Connect SDK may or may not work in Windows 11. 
    • Is there a way to re-start the installation from scratch? Is there a way to completely uninstall the software? I have tried searching for this in old Devzone discussions, and followed every tip that I came across, but I have not been able to install the software from scratch. 

    I've been unable to use the software for some days and have a time sensitive task at hand. Your support would be much appreciated. 

    Best regards 


  • Hi Dejan,

    I have tried installing and removing cycles multiple times with my user privilege. My IT admin repeated this with admin privileges multiple times. Even tried this when my office network traffic is very minimal. The same issue is present all the times.

    Will trying manual installation is worth it?


    Saravanan Karuppiah

  • Hi Saravanan,

    First make sure that you fulfil the requirements specified in the documentation.

    Then you could try:
    - restarting your computer
    - reinstalling already installed NCS via Toolchain Manager
    - changing installation method (for example, use manual instead of automatic)
    - using another computer

    Best regards,

  • Hey Dejans, I came across the same issue on my system as well. I am trying to install the SDK on my linux machine but the Connect SDK folder is completely empty. When I checked the logs file, it shows that the clone operation has failed. Maybe this might help you diagnose the issue here! Please take a look and see if you can understand what is going on here.
    Thank you 

    2023-08-17T11:52:57.194Z DEBUG Application data folder: /home/raider0ne/.config/nrfconnect/pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager
    2023-08-17T11:52:57.295Z DEBUG App pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager v1.2.5 local
    2023-08-17T11:52:57.296Z DEBUG App path: /home/raider0ne/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager
    2023-08-17T11:52:57.296Z DEBUG nRFConnect 4.1.2, required by the app is (>=3.11.1)
    2023-08-17T11:52:57.296Z DEBUG nRFConnect path: /tmp/.mount_nrfconPOQwJE/resources/app.asar
    2023-08-17T11:52:57.296Z DEBUG HomeDir: /home/raider0ne
    2023-08-17T11:52:57.296Z DEBUG TmpDir: /tmp
    2023-08-17T11:52:57.306Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib-js version: 0.6.12
    2023-08-17T11:52:57.306Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.15.3
    2023-08-17T11:52:57.306Z INFO Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.19.1
    2023-08-17T11:52:57.307Z INFO Using JLink version: JLink_V7.90 
    2023-08-17T11:52:57.358Z INFO Installed JLink version does not match the provided version (V7.80c)
    2023-08-17T11:53:02.204Z DEBUG Client Id: 050b1191-5f8b-4724-9413-3454b64d4533
    2023-08-17T11:53:02.326Z DEBUG Google Analytics for category pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev has initialized
    2023-08-17T11:53:02.798Z INFO Open directory /home/raider0ne/ncs/v2.4.1
    2023-08-17T11:53:02.798Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Status of VS Code installation","label":"VS Code installed"}
    2023-08-17T11:53:02.800Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Status of nrfjprog installation","label":"Installed"}
    2023-08-17T11:53:02.802Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"architecture","label":"x64"}
    2023-08-17T11:53:02.804Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Open directory","label":"linux; x64; /home/raider0ne/ncs/v2.4.1"}
    2023-08-17T11:53:07.728Z INFO Cloning nRF Connect SDK v2.4.1
    2023-08-17T11:53:07.729Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Clone nRF Connect SDK","label":"v2.4.1; linux; x64"}
    2023-08-17T11:53:07.910Z DEBUG Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/bin/west", line 8, in <module>
    2023-08-17T11:53:07.910Z DEBUG     sys.exit(main())
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/app/", line 866, in main
    2023-08-17T11:53:07.910Z DEBUG or sys.argv[1:])
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/app/", line 111, in run
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/app/", line 383, in run_command
    2023-08-17T11:53:07.911Z DEBUG     self.run_builtin(args, unknown)
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/app/", line 424, in run_builtin, unknown, self.topdir,
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 194, in run
        self.do_run(args, unknown)
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/app/", line 823, in do_run
    2023-08-17T11:53:07.911Z DEBUG     self.update_all()
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/app/", line 875, in update_all
    2023-08-17T11:53:07.911Z DEBUG     self.manifest = Manifest.from_file(
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 1170, in from_file
    2023-08-17T11:53:07.912Z DEBUG     return Manifest(topdir=topdir, config=config,
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 1368, in __init__
    2023-08-17T11:53:07.912Z DEBUG     self._ctx = self._top_level_init(source_data,
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 1710, in _top_level_init
    2023-08-17T11:53:07.912Z DEBUG     manifest_path_option = get_option('manifest.path')
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 1707, in get_option
    2023-08-17T11:53:07.912Z DEBUG     return config.get(option, default=default,
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 180, in get
    2023-08-17T11:53:07.913Z DEBUG     return self._get(lambda cf: cf.get(option), default, configfile)
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 219, in _get
        for cf in self._whence(configfile):
    2023-08-17T11:53:07.913Z DEBUG   File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 240, in _whence
        raise MalformedConfig('local configuration file not found')
    west.configuration.MalformedConfig: local configuration file not found
    2023-08-17T11:53:08.053Z DEBUG usage: west [-h] [-z ZEPHYR_BASE] [-v] [-V] <command> ...
    west: error: argument <command>: invalid choice: 'zephyr-export' (choose from 'init', 'update', 'list', 'manifest', 'diff', 'status', 'forall', 'help', 'config', 'topdir', 'selfupdate')
    2023-08-17T11:53:08.072Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Clone nRF Connect SDK successfully","label":"v2.4.1; linux; x64"}
    2023-08-17T11:53:08.073Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Clone nRF Connect SDK time consumed","label":"0 min; v2.4.1"}
    2023-08-17T11:53:08.074Z INFO Finished cloning version v2.4.1 of the nRF Connect SDK after approximately 0 minute(s)
    2023-08-17T11:53:12.145Z INFO Start to install toolchain v2.4.0
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.062Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Install toolchain from nrfutil","label":"v2.4.0; /home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a"}
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.076Z INFO Cloning nRF Connect SDK v2.4.0
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.076Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Clone nRF Connect SDK","label":"v2.4.0; linux; x64"}
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.084Z INFO Initializing environment for v2.4.0
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.207Z DEBUG === Initializing in /home/raider0ne/ncs/v2.4.0
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.207Z DEBUG --- Cloning manifest repository from, rev. v2.4.0
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.209Z DEBUG Cloning into '/home/raider0ne/ncs/v2.4.0/.west/manifest-tmp'...
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.213Z DEBUG /home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/libexec/git-core/git-remote-https: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.215Z DEBUG FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 128: git clone --branch v2.4.0 /home/raider0ne/ncs/v2.4.0/.west/manifest-tmp
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.346Z DEBUG Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/bin/west", line 8, in <module>
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.346Z DEBUG     sys.exit(main())
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/app/", line 866, in main or sys.argv[1:])
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/app/", line 111, in run
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/app/", line 383, in run_command
        self.run_builtin(args, unknown)
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/app/", line 424, in run_builtin
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.347Z DEBUG, unknown, self.topdir,
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 194, in run
        self.do_run(args, unknown)
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/app/", line 823, in do_run
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.347Z DEBUG     self.update_all()
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/app/", line 875, in update_all
        self.manifest = Manifest.from_file(
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 1170, in from_file
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.347Z DEBUG     return Manifest(topdir=topdir, config=config,
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 1368, in __init__
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.347Z DEBUG     self._ctx = self._top_level_init(source_data,
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 1710, in _top_level_init
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.348Z DEBUG     manifest_path_option = get_option('manifest.path')
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 1707, in get_option
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.348Z DEBUG     return config.get(option, default=default,
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 180, in get
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.348Z DEBUG     return self._get(lambda cf: cf.get(option), default, configfile)
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 219, in _get
        for cf in self._whence(configfile):
      File "/home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/west/", line 240, in _whence
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.348Z DEBUG     raise MalformedConfig('local configuration file not found')
    west.configuration.MalformedConfig: local configuration file not found
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.483Z DEBUG usage: west [-h] [-z ZEPHYR_BASE] [-v] [-V] <command> ...
    west: error: argument <command>: invalid choice: 'zephyr-export' (choose from 'init', 'update', 'list', 'manifest', 'diff', 'status', 'forall', 'help', 'config', 'topdir', 'selfupdate')
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.502Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Clone nRF Connect SDK successfully","label":"v2.4.0; linux; x64"}
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.503Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Clone nRF Connect SDK time consumed","label":"0 min; v2.4.0"}
    2023-08-17T11:53:13.504Z INFO Finished cloning version v2.4.0 of the nRF Connect SDK after approximately 0 minute(s)
    2023-08-17T11:53:16.591Z INFO Open directory /home/raider0ne/ncs/v2.4.0
    2023-08-17T11:53:16.592Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Open directory","label":"linux; x64; /home/raider0ne/ncs/v2.4.0"}
    2023-08-17T11:53:44.581Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-toolchain-manager-dev","action":"Install toolchain from nrfutil","label":"v2.4.1; /home/raider0ne/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a"}
    2023-08-17T11:53:52.648Z INFO File is successfully saved at /home/raider0ne/ncs/

  • Hi,

    Have you followed installation guide?

    Which installation method did you use, automatic or manual?

    What did you try to clone?

    Where is the log taken from?

    Best regards,

  • Hi

    Find the response below

    restarting your computer - already done, same issue is still present
    reinstalling already installed NCS via Toolchain Manager  - already done, same issue is still present
    changing installation method (for example, use manual instead of automatic) - will try the manual method
    using another computer - not an option as I need it in my work computer which has this issue

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