Toolchain Manager installs an empty folder: nRF Connect SDK v2.3.0


I've been trying to install nRF Connect SDK v2.3.0 using the Toolchain Manager in the nRF connect for desktop app. However, the toolchain and SDK installations are successful but the folder C:\ncs\v2.3.0 is always empty. I also tried downloading the older versions of the SDK, but the problem remains the same. I have installed the latest version of the Toolchain Manager, but I also tried it's older versions, with no success. I have tried many solutions from other Devzone queries also, but have not been able to rectify this. I've been unable to use the platform for quite a long time due to this problem. Can you please help me with this? 

Best Regards


  • Hi,

    As a first step, when installation is successfully completed but the folder is still empty, you could try restarting the same NCS installation from the Toolchain Manager. If this does not help, you could try removing your existing NCS installations and start by following installation guides for automatic or manual installation.

    Best regards,

  • Hi, 

    I have tried re-installation several times, but nothing helps. Could you please guide me through the following:

    • My system uses Windows 11 (64-bit OS). Can this be the reason behind this behaviour? Because the documentation very clearly states that nRF Connect SDK may or may not work in Windows 11. 
    • Is there a way to re-start the installation from scratch? Is there a way to completely uninstall the software? I have tried searching for this in old Devzone discussions, and followed every tip that I came across, but I have not been able to install the software from scratch. 

    I've been unable to use the software for some days and have a time sensitive task at hand. Your support would be much appreciated. 

    Best regards 


  • Hi

    Find the response below

    restarting your computer - already done, same issue is still present
    reinstalling already installed NCS via Toolchain Manager  - already done, same issue is still present
    changing installation method (for example, use manual instead of automatic) - will try the manual method
    using another computer - not an option as I need it in my work computer which has this issue

  • I followed the installation guide. The log is from the automatic method. In the toolchain manager there is an option to view the log file. 

    Manual install worked for me. I just posted this log in case it helps you to debug whats going wrong in the  case of automatic debug.

  • Hi Saravanan,

    Please try using manual installation method. 

    Best regards,

  • Hi Sravanan! 

    I apologize for the extremely late reply. I somehow missed the notifications. I have installed NCS now, but after several hours of frustration and failed attempts. I had also tried manual installation earlier, but it used to get stuck and eventually fail at some point or the other.

    Since I was unable to completely uninstall NCS, I reset my PC keeping all my files intact, and only removing the applications (Windows allows us to do this). I feel this is a very safe option since no data was lost, only some applications got removed which can easily be re-installed anytime. Sadly, even after doing this, when I tried installing NCS using the nRF Connect for Desktop app, it again had the same problem- an empty folder would get installed.

    Then I tried manual installation, and this time it worked (maybe because the reset did some cleanup). It took around 3-4 hours but I'm happy I at least got it working since a lot of my work got delayed due to this. If you haven't been able to solve the issue, I would suggest trying the reset option (worked for me at least!). 

    I hope I've been able to help you! Slight smile

    Best Regards


  • Hi Sukriti,

    Thank you for the update. I am sorry to hear that some of your work got delayed but I am glad to know that your issue is resolved.

    Best regards,

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