We are using the nRF5340 in a multi-protocol application where we use the BLE Soft Controller in one mode and a proprietary protocol in another mode. Both protocols use the Shared RAM in region 0x20070000 - 0x2007FFFF for message and data exchange between their Hosts on the Application CPU and Controllers on the Network CPU.
We currently have 56 kBytes allocated to the Soft Controller (0x20070000 - 0x2007DFFF) and 8 kBytes allocated to our proprietary protocol (0x2007E000-0x2007FFFF). We have run out of space in this allocation for the proprietary protocol and would like to increase it by maybe 4 kBytes.
The question is what is the minimum Shared RAM allocation that the BLE soft controller needs? Our most intensive usage of the BLE soft controller configures it as a peripheral and GATT server. The Kconfig overlay for this configuration is attached.
Thank you,