I'm trying to get a second UART to work on my nRF52833. Following the advice of this post, I've tried merging the libuart example into the BLE peripheral example. I've added what seem to be the necessary drivers and libraries the the BLE example and relevant configs from the sdk_config.h file. My code errors and then goes to a system reset. This happens on line 779 in main(), which his: ret_code_t err_code = nrf_libuarte_async_init(&libuarte, &nrf_libuarte_async_config, libuart_event_handler, (void *)&libuarte); and this goes to line 105 in nrfx_timer.c, which is:
uint8_t i;
for (i = 0; i < p_instance->cc_channel_count; ++i)
Could you please provide me with some advice. It might be one of the setting in the config file or initializing a peripheral wrongly. I'm woring on a custom PCB, using soft device s140 and the Keil IDE. Thank you.