[nrf5 sdk for zigbee 4.1] ZigBee leave network failed

Dear Support Team,

Based on nrf5 sdk for zigbee 4.1, nrf52840dk, do the following tests: 1. Modify the \examples\zigbee\light_control\light_switch example, that is, add button 1 to leave network, button 2 to join network, button 3 to directly erase nvram, and button 4 to soft restart.
2. Compile the example and download to 52840-Dk.
3. The device presses button2 to join network.
4. The device presses button4 to invoke a soft restart, and sees the device rejoin.
5. The device presses button1 leave network.
Phenomenon: The device does not leave the network and no abnormal error is displayed. Please help to analyze and solve it.
The following is the light_switch program, which modifies main.c and zigbee_helpers.c.


Parents Reply
  • Dear Marte,

    I performed the following steps to test:
    1. Re-decompress nRF5_SDK_for_T&Z_v4.1.0_32ce5f8.zip.
    2. Compile nRF5_SDK_for_T&Z_v4.1.0_32ce5f8\examples\zigbee\light_control\light_coordinator as the coordinator, and download it to one of the 52840-DK.
    3. Copy the above main.c and zigbee_helpers.c to nRF5_SDK_for_T&Z_v4.1.0_32ce5f8\examples\zigbee\light_control\light_switch, and replace the original, compile and download to another 52840-DK.
    4. Follow the above operation, that is, join network->restart device->leave network.
    After seeing the device restarted through packet capture, press button2 leaver network, and the "leave" action is displayed, but the device does not have a leave network.


    Best regards,
