nRF9160 RSA crypto changes from v2.3.0 to v2.4.0 SHA-1 signing

I am in the process of porting a project from v2.3.0 (Zeyphr v3.2.99) to v2.4.1 (Zephyr v3.3.99) and I believe there was a change that breaks the project.

I believe this change happened in v2.4.0.

I have extracted the relevant code and created a self contained project that can be used to demonstrate the issue.

Compiling this in SDK v2.3.0 works correctly, but there are errors during runtime with SDK v2.4.1.

The errors are either PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED (-134) or PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT (-135).

I am working with a 384-bit SHA-1 RSA key used to sign data.

When using psa_generate_key() the error PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED results.

When using psa_import_key() the error PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT results.

There were no issues in v2.3.0 so I am interested in what changed and how I can work around the changes.

I have been digging around in the v2.4.1 SDK but am having trouble following the abstraction and not sure what library is being used.

The uploaded project is self contained and should be able to be built as is and run on a nRF9160-DK.



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