nRF Connect for VS Code - Thread Viewer window empty


I am starting with the nRF Connect. I got a nRF52840 DK and I am following the 'nRF Connect for VS Code' YT series.

I got as far as part 5 (debugging), but I cannot get the Thread Viewer going. I can set breakpoints and inspect variables and memory but the Thread Viewer window remains empty. I made sure that the debug options are enabled in the build configuration. I also set 'CONFIG_DEBUG_THREAD_INFO=y' in prj.conf.

Some basic information:

  • VS Code 1.81.1
  • nRF Connect 2.4.0
  • Win10

The nRF Connect is a clean installation. VS Code, however, is an older install as I am using it with an nRF SDK project.

Any idea what could be wrong here?



Parents Reply
  • Not the answer you are looking for but, I skipped that part of the tutorial as something is broken with VS Code's debugger. I created a different post on this and found that Segger's debug tool, Ozone, works fine for thread viewing but VS Code's version is broken. 

    I recommend using Ozone for debugging. As of now, it is a better debugging tool than the built in one from VS Code. Also, if you install Ozone, there will be a VS Code nRF Connect action that gets added below the normal debug that says "Debug with Ozone" which makes it convenient to use.

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