Get data from ISP1907-AOA-DK

Hello everyone,

I recently ordered a ISP1907-AOA-DK and did some testing and evaluation using the direction viewer add-on for nRF Connect. Now I'd like to visualize the collected data with my own plot function in Python (3.10) and do further calculation. The plot will be a mapping of a moving tag so I would need the AoA and the distance (using RSSI) of it if I'm not wrong.

So my question would be how can I integrate the data of my ISP1907-AOA-DK into my Python code and how does the data structure looks like?

I'm running Ubuntu 22.04. If more information is needed please let me know.

  • Hi

    The Direction Viewer firmware is just for demo purposes, and we don't provide the source code for it I'm afraid, so if you'd like to create a Python plot on your end that's up to you, but I'd recommend using the Connectionless Direction Viewer locator sample project as a template for the AOA DK's firmware, and modify it to output the data you need in your Python script over UART for example that can be printed in a terminal on your computer for example.

    Best regards,


  • So I went through the project you recommended to me. Unfortunately I'm unable to flash my board cause the device is not detected in the VS Code extension. Can you by any chance give me some hints on how to achieve this? I've figured out that the hardware used on the board utilizes a nRF52833-Chip. So I edited the build config (see picture below) and I also checked that all needed software is up-to-date.
    I've also contacted Insight SIP if they can provide further information on that topic.

    Best regards,


  • Hi again Marvin

    You'll need to create a board file for the nRF52833 board you're using that uses the correct pins for I.E. antenna switching, etc. The antenna matrix config should be the same for the ISP AOA antenna array as what is already configured in the sample. You can check out our documentation page on custom board configuration here. Hope that helps.

    Best regards,


  • Hi again Marvin

    You'll need to create a board file for the nRF52833 board you're using that uses the correct pins for I.E. antenna switching, etc. The antenna matrix config should be the same for the ISP AOA antenna array as what is already configured in the sample. You can check out our documentation page on custom board configuration here. Hope that helps.

    Best regards,


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