Configurations of nPM1100

 Hello, in page 51 of nPM1100 Product Specification there are configurations. İn the first two configurations it says that buck is not used. Does this mean there wont be voltage on VOUTB pin?
I'm planning on not using NTC and minimal design with nrf52832 and 100mA VBUS limit is enough for me.

  • İn the first two configurations it says that buck is not used. Does this mean there wont be voltage on VOUTB pin?

    If you short DEC, VOUTBSET0, VOUTBSET1, and VOUTB, and leave SW unconnected, then the buck regulator is disabled. If you want to use the buck regulator you need to populate the circuit according to configuration 3 in the datasheet, and set VOUTBSET0/VOUTBSET1 accordingly.
