+CGEV: APNRATECTRL STAT - Not reported with pdn_event_handler_t

mfw 1.3.5, NCS 2.4.1

I received a


from the modem.

I'm wondering, if that is processed by a pdn_event_handler_t.

If not, how does the application know that?

  • Hello  Slight smile

    currently there is no support for APN rate control notifications in the PDN library.
    I will check if that can be added there and open a PR for that if possible.

    Regardless, the application can subscribe to any AT notifications using the AT monitor library, which will also let you parse the AT command as necessary in your application to extract all the information you want from it.

  • Hello  Slight smile

    currently there is no support for APN rate control notifications in the PDN library.
    I will check if that can be added there and open a PR for that if possible.

    Regardless, the application can subscribe to any AT notifications using the AT monitor library, which will also let you parse the AT command as necessary in your application to extract all the information you want from it.
