experiencing packet loss when there is an LTE BAND switch

Hello DevZone community,
I'm working on a project with the nRF9160 module, and
I'm curious to know if anyone has experience with maintaining stable communication when the LTE BAND switches.
Have you encountered any issues or packet loss in such scenarios, and
if so, how did you address them? 

My Environment

NCS - SDK 1.9.1
Modem version - 1.3.2

Device - nrf9160 customized one

I am sharing the information below when band switching occurs in driving tests.
You can see that when LTE band switch occurs, the device was not able to send the GPS data to our server nearly 20 seconds.
We are sending the time info for every 10 second and GPS info every 50 meters distance.

Your insights would be greatly appreciated!"

Unfortunatelly I am unable to get the modem trace and lte_lc debug logs in my customized device. I have seperate ticket for that.  

Best Regards

Praveen Deshmane
