- I burned a file before, and since then nRF52840 Dongle cannot be recognized by programmer(version:3.0.0)
file information:
[1/179] Generating include/generated/version.h
-- Zephyr version: 3.4.99 (C:/Kuhn/qualcomm/nRf/nRF-workspace/zephyr), build: v3.3.99-ncs1-2938-gc7094146b5b4
[169/179] Linking C executable zephyr\zephyr_pre0.elf
[173/179] Linking C executable zephyr\zephyr_pre1.elf
[179/179] Linking C executable zephyr\zephyr.elf
Memory region Used Size Region Size %age Used
FLASH: 41520 B 844 KB 4.80%
RAM: 16640 B 256 KB 6.35%
IDT_LIST: 0 GB 2 KB 0.00%
Converting to uf2, output size: 83456, start address: 0x1000
Wrote 83456 bytes to zephyr.uf2
programmer(version:3.0.0) log info
RESET button has already expired