We would like to comply to FCC regulations and need to restrict the used BLE channels from channel 1 to channel 11.
We think that this should be possible by using the following code:
We have the following questions:
1) Is this correct?
2) Can you indicate with an logic "1" bit in the channel map corresponds to an active channel,
or is the channel map using negative logic ( logic "0" bit is an active channel)
3) Can you point us to the documentation where the definition of the channel map is described?
4) From the following source: point 6):
Set new channel map - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone (
The default channel map where all channels are used seems to be:
uint8_t chan_map_all_channels_active[5] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1f };
Can you please explain where this 0x1f in the channel map comes from, why not 0xff?
5) From the following source: point 5):
Set new channel map - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone (
It seems that the channel map uses negative logic. Can you please explain?
6) Can you please confirm that bit 0 in the channel map corresponds to channel 0,
so the mapping is starting with 0 and ending with 39 (40 bits) and is not following
the picture below that starts with channel 37.
Thanks for your help,