MAGPIO pins state during modem off?

Once the modem is turned off (e.g. using at+cfun=0) - what will be the state of the MAGPIO pins? Will they be pulled to GND or will they float?



P.S. The same question counts for the COEX pins.

Parents Reply
  • Hello Kazi,

    Can we get more specific about this?  We have a use case where we want an antenna switch control pin controlled either by the nrf91 or by another external MCU.  When the nrf91 is off or between eDRX cycles, are MAGPIO pins actively pulled low or just output disconnected (high impedance)?  We've dug around everywhere and can't determine the answer here.

    There is a test mode command  %XANTDETMAGPIO=<magpio_pin> that claims to set the pin back to high impedance after use so I know the hardware is capable of a high impedance mode.  The question is, what does the radio firmware do between eDRX cycles.  Internal LDO off or on, that doesn't tell me what the actual pin state is...

    Thank you!

