nRF52840 dongle issue as BLE sniffer


I use Programmer tool in nRF Connect for Desktop (v4.2.0) to programm sniffer_nrf52840dongle_nrf52840_4.1.1.hex firmware.

I have no problem to upgrade via bootloader using Reset button.

But i can't detect the dongle on Wireshark. It looks not working too on nRF.Connect for Desktop:


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  • Hello Abhijith,

    I had been already able to sniff BLE trace on Wireshark with this dongle. I managed to add a profile as described in document. 

    Tonight, the dongle is detected by Wireshark:

    I have no idea why i was not able to have a hardware detection on Wireshark previously. (I updated nrfConnect Desktop on 4.2.1 tonight).

    I expect i will have no more kind of problem. I can catch BLE frames now.

    Thanks a lot for your help.
