APPROTECT undefined

during the course of developing my code over a number of days I have not previously encountered the following error

...\nRF_DeviceFamilyPack\8.44.1\Device\Include\system_nrf52_approtect.h(55): error:  #20: identifier "NRF_APPROTECT" is undefined

I have no Idea what this could relate to as things seemed to build without issue previously, similarly i have not altered any system files.

Any Advice on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi,

    Which change did you do before this stopped working? Any changes in the project configuration in Keil, using a different device family pack version or similar? There must be some thing that changed as it worked before and at some point stopped working.

    Which SDK version are you using? I ask because the NRF_APPROTECT registers were introduced in revision 3 of the nRF52840, which is supported in nRF5 SDK 17.1.0, but not earlier nRF5 SDK versions. It seems there is a version mismatch here where this register is not defined, which would be the case for older MDK versions.

  • You should examine your code for any syntax errors, typos, or missing semicolons that might be causing the issue. fnf

  • Hi,

    Sorry for my incredibly late reply, I've been off for some time. There are no syntax or compilation errors with my code. The issue was resolved by updating the device family pack from 8.44.1 to 8.52.0.  I've also ensured that I am using the latest version of SDK. As a side note; the Keil uvision 5 pack installer seems to think that device family pack 8.44.1 if the most up to date version and would not automatically detect 8.52.0 therefore I had to manually down load it and point the pack installer to it.

    Many thanks,

