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halt Flash write

Dear everyone:

Can you tell me Using built-in flash and use restrictions,

because it halt at ble_flash_page_write() function.

  • Hi,

    Can you explain more about whats not working? What data are you reading out?

    From looking at the code, your timeout handler "notif_timeout_handler" will run 800 ms after you have called "timers_start" function. Is this wanted behavior? If you want to store information when link is diconnected, the proper way to do it is to call it in the event "BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED" (line 580 in your main.c)

    The "data_array" that you are storing is defaulted to all "0", as I see it the whole flash page will then be blanked out.

    Best regards Håkon

  • Hi,

    Can you explain more about whats not working? What data are you reading out?

    From looking at the code, your timeout handler "notif_timeout_handler" will run 800 ms after you have called "timers_start" function. Is this wanted behavior? If you want to store information when link is diconnected, the proper way to do it is to call it in the event "BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED" (line 580 in your main.c)

    The "data_array" that you are storing is defaulted to all "0", as I see it the whole flash page will then be blanked out.

    Best regards Håkon

No Data