Limiting the power consumption of distance measurement

Hi there, 

I'm looking for some advice on limiting the power consumption of distance measurement, as it seems I cannot simply configure the example code to do a single form of distance measurement ie: IFFT, and after searching, I was not able to find any documentation for how the different forms of distance measurement are calculated within this code. 

Is there any way to do this that I am missing?

Is there any documentation towards how calculations are made that I may use?

Thanks for any help 

Parents Reply
  • Thanks Kenneth, 

    I have seen this webinar and appreciate your direction towards it.

    I guess I am looking for more specifics on how this quality measurement is done, as


    of the of the library so there are a lot of nice features with this one one of them is that we do have
    a quality indicator so we do estimation on the performance of the
    data that is coming in and
    this allows the application layer to determine if the data is sound if it's
    if you can trust it implicitly or if you need to handle it with care or if
    you should just discard the data um we also control the tx power as well
    comes across as a little vague. 
    How is the performance of the data coming in measured?
    How is this data measured as 'sound'? 