nrf 9160 to AWS Things

nRF AWS asset tracker running:

The things from AWS

The Things from web-app deployed on Ubuntu ec2 instance synchronised with AWS successfully

Now, I need to connect this actual device which is nrf9160 connected with USB on windows machine with AWS things to be able to view the actual data. 

The only information which is available on internet is

I may need more clear step by step guide to connect, where should i enter the aws_init() and aws_iot_connect() commands

Also how to view the actual output on live scene as on  nrf connect on aws asset tracker

Many Thanks

  • Hello Oyvind , to give you a better understanding , let me elaborate the steps i took to reach the current state , I've a rf9160 dk connected to my windows machine with usb as you can see in the 4th screenshot , so i wanted to synchronise the AWS IoT things with the rf asset tracker web app , so i created an ubuntu 22 EC2 instance and connected to it through SSH shell , then followed this guide , then after going through all of the requirements and steps included in this guide , i've successfully managed to reach a state where i deployed the rf asset tracker web app on the ubuntu ec2 instance "backed by s3 bucket and cloudfront distribution" as you can see in the first and last screenshots , also now whenever i create a new thing in AWS IoT core , it automatically reflects into the asset tracker web app , the problem is that i couldn't define the rf9160 dk connected to the windows machine on usb "with rf connect" to the AWS things , after a lot of research i found that the ubuntu ec2 instance can't read usb connections from another machine , also i found that this is the only guide available to connect rf9160 dk to aws things , this can't be forwarded to AWS support , as they will tell you check your manufacturer docs , so i'm looking forward to another guide on how to define different rf9160s from different machines into AWS things , to be able to monitor their connections from cloudwatch and their actual output "locations , etc." from rf asset tracker , which are already working , hope you got the point , looking forward to your response , Best regards.

  • Hello Oyvind , to give you a better understanding , let me elaborate the steps i took to reach the current state , I've a rf9160 dk connected to my windows machine with usb as you can see in the 4th screenshot , so i wanted to synchronise the AWS IoT things with the rf asset tracker web app , so i created an ubuntu 22 EC2 instance and connected to it through SSH shell , then followed this guide , then after going through all of the requirements and steps included in this guide , i've successfully managed to reach a state where i deployed the rf asset tracker web app on the ubuntu ec2 instance "backed by s3 bucket and cloudfront distribution" as you can see in the first and last screenshots , also now whenever i create a new thing in AWS IoT core , it automatically reflects into the asset tracker web app , the problem is that i couldn't define the rf9160 dk connected to the windows machine on usb "with rf connect" to the AWS things , after a lot of research i found that the ubuntu ec2 instance can't read usb connections from another machine , also i found that this is the only guide available to connect rf9160 dk to aws things , this can't be forwarded to AWS support , as they will tell you check your manufacturer docs , so i'm looking forward to another guide on how to define different rf9160s from different machines into AWS things , to be able to monitor their connections from cloudwatch and their actual output "locations , etc." from rf asset tracker , which are already working , hope you got the point , looking forward to your response , Best regards.

  • Would like to point out the note found under project overview of nRF Asset Tracer

    Developers are expected to have experience in developing solutions with the respective cloud provider. The nRF Asset Tracker is designed for developers who require a head start on setting up the cloud provider for Nordic devices and want to modify the solution according to their specific needs. The nRF Asset Tracker is not a turn-key software-as-a-service solution. It comes with additional costs and there will be future maintenance efforts.

    Nilesh@glyn said:
    the problem is that i couldn't define the rf9160 dk connected to the windows machine on usb "with rf connect" to the AWS things , after a lot of research i found that the ubuntu ec2 instance can't read usb connections from another machine

    Are you trying to program the nRF9160 DK from the cloud instance? This will not work unless you have a direct connection to your device. You can see more information on programming the firmware under nRF Asset Tracker - Firmware. The nRF9160 is a cellular device and the nRF Asset Tracker is intended to be updated via Firmware-Over-The-Air (FOTA). Note that nRF Asset Tracker does not have support for Windows, only Linux. You can program the Asset Tracker v2 to your nRF9160 DK from you Windows machine, but after this the intention is to use nRF Asset Tracker, which is a reference implementation of a serverless backend for an IoT product using AWS
