nrf5340dk as a programmer

I am using VSCode, SDK 2.4.2 on Windows. Is it possible to use the nrf5340dk to program a "custom" board (based on the nrf5340)? 

I need to program the ISP2053 (which is based on the nrf5340). ISP2053 has a 2x5 JTAG port, but I don't have a J-Link programmer with me... I do have a nrf5340dk. My understanding is that the Segger chip on the nrf5340dk can be used as a programmer by connecting the target board to "debug out" of the nrf5340dk.

  1. From VSCode do I just issue a "west flash" command and it will flash the target board?
  2. Does it flash both the nrf5340dk and the target board at the same time w/the same code?
  3. Or, does it just program the target "ISP2053" board and leave the nrf5340dk unchanged?

I am waiting 2 days for the 2x5 1.27mm cable to be delivered so any help, advice, directions before it gets here would be greatly appreciated.

Also, my nrf5340dk has an additional 2x5pin port with no identification (it's not debug in or out) I am wondering what that is? I can't find any documentation for it.

  • Hello Michael,

    My understanding is that the Segger chip on the nrf5340dk can be used as a programmer by connecting the target board to "debug out" of the nrf5340dk.

    You understand correctly. Please see the instructions found here to make sure your setup is correct. 

    From VSCode do I just issue a "west flash" command and it will flash the target board?

    I am quite certain that nrfjprog will find the custom board when you use west flash (and the extension UI). I will double check tomorrow.

    Does it flash both the nrf5340dk and the target board at the same time w/the same code?

    No, it will only flash the target board. The MCU on the DK is not involved at all in the programming.

    Or, does it just program the target "ISP2053" board and leave the nrf5340dk unchanged?


    Also, my nrf5340dk has an additional 2x5pin port with no identification (it's not debug in or out) I am wondering what that is? I can't find any documentation for it.

    That is a new one for me too. I will look for a 2.0.2 board at the office and also search for documentation.

    Best regards,


  • Hi again Michael,

    Maria Gilje said:
    I am quite certain that nrfjprog will find the custom board when you use west flash (and the extension UI). I will double check tomorrow.

    I have confirmed that both the nRF Connect for VS Code extension and west flash works to flash the target board through the debugger on the nRF5340 DK. I tested with an nRF52840 DK as the target board. 

    Also, my nrf5340dk has an additional 2x5pin port with no identification (it's not debug in or out) I am wondering what that is? I can't find any documentation for it.

    I found a couple of 2.0.2 DKs in the office, and none of them have the extra port. Is it soldered to your DK or just sitting on top of it? It is difficult to judge from your photo because of low resolution.

    Best regards,

