nRF9160 ping event with AWS IoT

How does the device catch incoming ping events?

The device uses AWS IoT library, so it can't open a raw socket.

It looks like the ping events closed inside the modem binary.

So, this code does not run.


Are there any ping event APIs? or sniffing raw packets?

nRF Connect SDK v.2.0.2

Update 2023-10-13

I use a diagram to explain what I want to achieve and what is actually difficult to achieve.

Parents Reply
  • If a raw socket is opened, AWS IoT's packet goes to the raw socket. And communication with AWS IoT is no longer possible.

    application <--> AWS IoT(mqtt socket zephyr/subsys/net/lib/mqtt/mqtt_transport_socket_tls.c)
                      <--> ping (can't catch the events)

    B) open a raw socket
    application <-X-> AWS IoT(mqtt socket zephyr/subsys/net/lib/mqtt/mqtt_transport_socket_tls.c)
                       <--> raw socket send/recv (It can catch ping events)

    If pattern B, unintentionally, raw socket receives AWS IoT's packet and AWS IoT's library stops working.

    So, in the case of pattern A, I want to catch the ping events.
