Toolchain Manager not installing all dependencies

I've been trying to install the newest nRF Connect SDK using the Toolchain Manager with the appimage The toolchain and SDK installations seem to be successful however when the opening vscode the sdk is not found. the following is one of the error massage Command failed: git ls-remote --tags --heads this is the second error. the second is the following. Error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. I have tried to reinstall libunistring but to no success.

Parents Reply
  • the root cause is nrf sdk tools install it's own binary version git instead of use the distro package version. I don't understand what's the point of this, the distro version works perfect fine.

    If you need some special compile options for git, at least, build it while install

    Same for pyhton, if you already listed git and python3 as dependency while in the installation steps, why download another version again?

    And telling people change their system library to fix YOUR broken binary distribution is NOT ACCEPTABLE
