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Cann't run the BLE code


I met a problem when I use my new board,I found that the example in the peripheral folder in SDK can run correctlly,but the the example in the ble_peripheral folder cann't work.Afterwards,I found that it is because the ble_stack_init() function.If I donn't run the ble_stack_init() function,the LED can blink and the UART can print message.Or it doesn't work at all.Pls see the attachment. image description

The SDK I use is 8.0,S110_V8.0,and the chip is nRF51822 QFAC A 1506.I know the problem is not software problem.Also,I have checked the 16M crystal,which is 20ppm.

Anyone could tell me what reason may be?Thank you very much.
