cannot talk to dongle after connect

I connect to the nRF52840-MDK dongle thru the Serial Terminal (nRF52 Connectivity) it found the comm port and set the baudrate automatically. However, the terminal window constantly fills up the screen with ~/ characters. it repeats every 1 second. What I would like is detailed instructions on how to configure this dongle to be a BT 5 sniffer and read the Extended Advertising for any BT device near the dongle. It would also be helpful to filter the devices seen. Eventually I like to use Python to filter the choices and obtain the advertises data where I can parse the data received. I'm using Windows 10 pro.


  • Hi James

    The nRF Sniffer is documented here. In particular you can refer to the chapter caller nRF Sniffer Usage.

    The dongle needs to be programmed with the hex file included in the sniffer download, most likely it has the wrong firmware. This will be described in the documentation I linked to above. 

    The sniffer does provide a Python interface, and you can find it documented in the Sniffer API Guide document included in the doc folder of the sniffer download. 

    Best regards

  • Torbjørn,

                The instruction for installation is very hard to follow and leads to a dead end.

    First your link takes me to nRF Sniffer usage. The index on the side “Installing the nRF Sniffer starts off as if it is already installed. Very confusing!!

    Another is the SnifferAPI.

    I cannot find it anywhere.

    Since I took too long to try and get this working, I have other priorities, But will circle back to try and get this to work.

    Due to my time allocation for this project is short.

    Please give me some dummy proof steps to get this working.



    I see a bunch of python code under the nrf_sniffer_for_bluetooth_le_4.1.1 directory I downloaded, but I don’t know which one I need for my application.


    Greatly appreciate it.


    James DeLorenzo

  • Torbjørn,

                The instruction for installation is very hard to follow and leads to a dead end.

    First your link takes me to nRF Sniffer usage. The index on the side “Installing the nRF Sniffer starts off as if it is already installed. Very confusing!!

    Another is the SnifferAPI.

    I cannot find it anywhere.

    Since I took too long to try and get this working, I have other priorities, But will circle back to try and get this to work.

    Due to my time allocation for this project is short.

    Please give me some dummy proof steps to get this working.



    I see a bunch of python code under the nrf_sniffer_for_bluetooth_le_4.1.1 directory I downloaded, but I don’t know which one I need for my application.


    Greatly appreciate it.


    James DeLorenzo
